
Psychology: personal uneasiness

Existencial crisis: a fundamental passage which is very important and prolific of possible and positive consequences.

I've choosen to study Social Sciences because as subject has very interessant ideas and mechanisms, and I feel it with much sentiment inside me, since I've passed a long, dark and terrible period of depressions, craziness and problems of all sorts, which enter exactly in the spheres of Social Sciences.
With this picture above I've taken as example the Psychology: a science dedicated to describe phenomenous of the affective and mental life (istinctes, emotions, sentiments, perceptions, memory, volition, intelligence) and to determinate the conditions for a balance
d social and individual life.
Besides to present oneself some normal formality of world adaptation, I think the most important thing is to enrich oneself with c
reativity and personality in continuous growth, which makes uniques.
It's nec
essary to accept the own inquietudes and agonizing issues, as integral part of our existence and to build tho own freedom(protagonist of the life and personal choices).
All that involve courage and volition to take the risk(get in the game) with the people: to not give up at the first obstacles.
In conclusion, like other things in life, problems are possibilities to cultivate. For not falling in desolation with the spirit, we need to pull the cords of the soul and carry on.
Citation: "Become what you are"

1 commento:

  1. As I said to you in class Veronica, I think this is a very insightful, honest and personal post.

    I am glkad that you seem to be much happier in this school now.

    I am always very impressed with the level of effort and ability you show during our lessons. I hope you manage to keep this up for the next 3 years!

    Well done,

